It might seem that classic laptops or notebooks are a thing of the past decade. Is it true that our pockets contain devices that have long surpassed the potential of laptops? Let’s find out.

Laptop – then and now

It cannot be denied that the first laptops were devices intended for a wealthier audience. A similar situation befell mobile phones – after all, at the beginning of the 21st century, especially in Poland and the post-Soviet countries, a mobile phone was a truly luxurious commodity. In addition, returning to laptops, the first models of these devices did not sin with efficiency and intuitive design. Nevertheless, they somehow fulfilled their function – they ensured access to the computer wherever the user wanted it.

Fortunately, technological development has not bypassed these specific devices. For more than ten years, most laptops have been able to match the performance of high-end desktop computers. Even budget models, which can often be bought for around a thousand zlotys, offer basic comfort for everyday office work and browsing the Internet. But… can’t the exact same thing be done with the telephone? This, of course, depends on the complexity of the planned operations and individual preferences. In addition, phone operating systems may not be able to read some files that are commonly used in computer operating systems. This is the first, but also one of the most important advantages of laptops. The question, however, iswill this state of affairs continue for a long time? – giving an unambiguous answer may be difficult, because phone manufacturers more and more often introduce solutions to their projects that bring them closer to the capabilities of classic computers.

High-performance laptops

The average laptop user would expect from him, inter alia, reasonably comfortable performance and a long battery. Sizes are not so important anymore, as it has become standard to limit the weight of laptops and standardize their sizes (it is rare that the size of a laptop differs significantly from the rest). In the case of such people, the differences between a laptop and a phone (tablet) are only in the comfort and manner of using the device; these are therefore issues that can be changed simply by getting used to a specific solution. The situation is different for users with high demands on laptops. Two main groups can be distinguished: professional IT specialists, programmers and graphic designers, and players. For the former, what matters most is the processing power of processors, RAM memory, speed of data transfer in the disk and an efficient battery.Game lovers most often look for laptops with powerful graphics cards, comfortable keyboards and high-quality screens (resolution, color balance and refreshment are important). In this case – there is no question of changing from a laptop to a phone. Sure, desktops will lead laptops in performance and price (i.e. it’s smaller), but masses of users are prioritizing mobility.but masses of users make mobility a priority.but masses of users make mobility a priority.

Buying a laptop – what to pay attention to?

Contrary to appearances, buying a laptop is still a good investment. It will be useful at work, at school and at university. Currently, it is difficult to imagine giving even a presentation without preparing a few slides in PowerPoint or the need to write a long report for work when we are on vacation. Good laptops should be characterized by high-quality components, a long battery and overall quality of workmanship (housing, display, durable keyboard and a well-thought-out cooling system). The cheapest laptops, available in almost every electrical store, will prove themselves in basic tasks. The average price range is aimed at those customers who do not care about the dizzying performance of the equipment, but would also like to be sure that the device will serve for at least several years.The most expensive solutions are rather a response to the needs of the people mentioned in the previous part of the article.

The most common problems faced by laptop users are a barely functioning battery and component overheating. The first problem can initially be solved by the so-called battery regeneration, although specialists recommend purchasing a new part. The battery, like all other components, is doomed to exhaustion over time. Let us remember to wisely manage its capacity – it is advised not to, inter alia, constantly connect the laptop to a power source and lead to a complete discharge A weapon in the fight against the high temperature inside the laptop can be regular cleaning of dust and special cooling pads.

Despite the fact that laptops have strong competitors in the form of smartphones, it is rather difficult to predict their imminent collapse. It is a piece of equipment that has fitted into the needs of consumers for good, which cannot be said about such gadgets that have gone forever (e.g. the once popular MP3 players have completely replaced telephones).